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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The downfalls of celebrity

My heart goes out to Owen Wilson. The film star reportedly attempted suicide Sunday. It's hard to imagine what the headlines could have read.

This past year celebs have exhibited some ridiculous behavior. Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan, but not Owen Wilson. Every time he's on the red carpet he shines. He's the non-Hollywood superstar. He never seems egotistical. He's always mellow. He's at the top of his career. He always looks like he's having fun.

To me, Wilson's suicide attempt shows the darker side of being a celebrity. Fame is the one thing everyone wants, but many struggle to handle it. Imagine if you walked out of your house tomorrow and people followed your every move. Imagine if a camera caught you looking tired at the end of the day and the next morning every entertainment source said you were in a troubled relationship. Imagine if you couldn't take your trash out or walk out to your car without being photographed and laughed at in magazines.

Of course there are benefits to celebrity. The most prominent being money. But if Owen Wilson shows us anything it's that money doesn't necessarily make you happy.


Blogger Sammy said...

Somebody probably just made fun of his nose.

9:18 AM  

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