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Thursday, March 08, 2007

$25 for a night on the town, dancing not included

For the sake of a good story, I did something I rarely do in public.

I danced.
Oh, but I didn't just dance. I allowed the cowboy (pictured above) to twirl, dip and swirl me across the dance floor at Tiki Bar and Grill. I pulled out dance moves I didn't know I had. I probably invented some new ones, too.
Tomorrow morning when you open Preview, you'll find stories tracing how three reporters spent a night on the town with only $25. On three separate nights, Janelle Rucker, Joel Anderson and I each spent an evening out without spending much else.
Check out the story, and tell me, if you only had $25, how would you spend it?

The dance pictured above was free.


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