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Thursday, January 18, 2007

... to Wednesday

I'm convinced Shreveport is the land of Kevin Bacon. Yes, that's right. I said Kevin Bacon. Have you ever noticed that everyone in Shreveport seems to know everyone else in Shreveport? If I'm correct, I think Kevin Bacon is linked to every other actor through six other people. Do you ever feel it's the same way in Shreveport? In fact, you can probably connect with most local social circles without use of all six "degrees."
Technically, this city isn't small, although at times it feels that way. Weekends easily blend together because, for the most part, we're at the same bars with the same people. Now, I love seeing those same people, don't get me wrong, but sometimes I want something new.
Last night, an unlikely Wednesday night, offered me just that. I accompanied my roommate to Strange Brew (formerly Rocks) to meet some of her friends. I'd never been to Strange Brew and I hadn't met any of the group we joined, but the night resulted in side-splitting, eye-watering laughter.
Sure, I'll always love Superior margaritas and hanging out at the Cub, but sometimes it's great to pop the bubble we live in and do something different.


Blogger Adam Kealoha Causey said...

Where is Strange Brew?

11:46 AM  
Blogger rustybill said...

ok, good post, but you went a little weak on describing the side splitting laughter and such...we don't get out there and do that stuff for our fact it is quite the opposite

1:05 PM  
Blogger Stephanie Netherton said...

Adam, Strange Brew is just across the street from Ivan's and Mia's on Market Street. It on a small side street off Market.

Russell, it was a weak discription. But, I figured if I tried to explain anything about a Bowflex and Alburquerque it would get lost in translation.

1:31 PM  
Blogger rustybill said...

actually Lost in Translation has a deleted scene involving the main characters in Alburquerque with an eliptical, doesn't dovetail with the conversation completly, but i was suprised

7:15 PM  
Blogger Stephanie Netherton said...

I've seen Lost in Translation and I don't remember that! But from your description, it's very, very close to our conversation from last night.

7:27 PM  

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