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Thursday, November 02, 2006

El Guapo saves village of Greenwood

In the 1986 comedy "Three Amigos," El Guapo was one nasty guy.

Suppressing village people in small town Mexico, El Guapo and his rowdy gang rule the roost until three B-list actors roll into town. Seasoned with hilarious scenes that make a mockery of El Guapo, "Three Amigos" is one of my all-time favorite films.

My favorite scene -- El Guapo's birthday party. The gang go in together on El Guapo's gift -- a sweater. As the rough and tough leader opens the gift, he exclaims, "It's ... a sweater!" and everyone cheers.

Locally, a small, family-run restaurant in Greenwood has taken on the villainous name of El Guapo, but instead of terrorizing the village people they are treating them to tasty Mexican cosine with a plethora of dishes.

"Jefe, do you even know what a plethora is?" I'm turning into that annoying person who quotes every line in the movie.

Times reporter Diane Haag visited the restaurant recently and had good things to say about the eatery -- and especially the dessert. Check out her review in tomorrow's Preview.


Blogger Sammy said...

"Yes El Guapo, I would say you have a plethora of gifts."

Are you going to write about the Vanilla Ice concert coming to Flannagan's?

10:20 AM  

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