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Thursday, August 24, 2006

TiVo: Companion to young singles

Hi, my name is Stephanie and I'm a TiVo-holic.

Hi Stephanie.

Frankly, the TiVo gives even the best of my former roommates some competition. In college, Kate often forgot to clean the bathroom. Melissa never remembered to buy milk. Ashley always borrowed my clothes without asking and Keri always left her dishes in the sink.

So, for the measly price of $12 each month, I've found the perfect companion. It always remembers to record my favorite shows. It always lets me know three days in advance when it needs to be hooked up for more programming information. It never fights me for the remote or wants to watch its own show. It lives up to its promises and never disappoints, therefore making the ultimate companion for any TV-addicted, young single. It takes care of your favorite shows while you go out.

Now, if it would only start paying half the rent.


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